
Friday, March 29, 2019

Golf Season is Upon Us!

Slowly, but surely, the grass here at Adams Pointe Golf Club is starting to grow. This winter brought some well below average temperatures and significant snowfall that kept the course closed for a good portion of the winter. The conditions outside kept golfers, as well as the maintenance crew, at bay for what seems like the entire winter season.

Our view for most of the winter

Despite the rough weather outside our crew managed to complete a few projects. We refurbished the ball washers, driving range benches and cups once again. We also rebuilt the original bridge on #18. All of the old boards and nails were taken out and replaced with new 2x6's and screws. The bridge was also widened a couple feet to match the width of the cart path.

A number of trees were damaged from winter storms and have been trimmed up or cut down. We planted a new oak tree on the right side of #7 in place of the signature hedge tree that had to be removed last year.

Our annual spring greens aerification took place on March 18th this year. As mentioned earlier, the cooler temperatures have forced our grass to have a slower start this growing season. The holes from the aerification process may take a little longer to fill in this year but we are working around the clock to keep the greens as smooth as possible. Leagues at Adams Pointe begin the first week of April. We hope you all enjoy your time out on the golf course this year.

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