
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cart Path Renovation Project

The much anticipated cart path renovation is under way at Adams Pointe. In the fall of 2011 holes # 1,2 and 18 were excavated and redone with concrete. This fall the rest of the cart path, plus the path around the club house and parking lot will be torn up and repaved with asphalt. Two local companies, Mid-States Excavating and Tandem Paving Co. are working together on the project.

Unfortunately, it is a bit of a messy process and also an inconvenience navigating the course around the major construction. 
A milling machine is first used to grind up the existing cart path

A soil compactor is then rolled over the millings to create a solid base for the new asphalt

The next step in the process will be to grade and back fill soil to create a smooth transition from the path to the rough. Finally, our crew will be seeding along the edges of the path. Sections with high foot traffic around the greens and tees will be sodded. Wet conditions have unfortunately led to some turf damage away from the path which will have to be seeded as well. 

Cart traffic damage to turf due to excavation of  cart path
As of November 1st the back nine is completely repaved. An unfortunate snow event has delayed the grading and back filling process. An unusually wet fall has slowed down progress while also making it difficult to determine a completion date for the project.   

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