
Friday, May 29, 2020

Streamlining Maintenance Operations

Over the past few years the maintenance staff has been working to streamline our maintenance operations. This means focusing most of our efforts on areas of the course that directly affect play. Not in any particular order but greens, fairways, tees, rough and bunkers are the main focus. This includes mowing, fertilization, chemical applications, and maintaining functioning irrigation and drainage among other things. Areas outside of what we consider to directly affect play are not ignored completely but put on the back burner until we can find time to get to them. Every now and then, depending on the weather, it is all we can do to keep up with mowing. Due to the uncertain economical times currently, this year is shaping up to be the epitome of this practice. That being said, we have found time for a few "side projects".

The hillside on the north side of the parking lot has been cultivated and seeded with a mixture of native grasses 

Tandem Paving has finished the cart path around the practice area and No.1 tee boxes

We are working on expanding the white tee on No.6. Roughly 1000 sq. ft. will be added to the tee when this project is completed 

A drain was also added along the edge of the tee box in an effort to reduce excess water on the tee box


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